5 steps you need to take to scale your website personalization strategy


5 steps to scale your website personalization strategy

Rachel Hatton

By, Rachel Hatton
Head of Demand Generation at Webeo

Businesses grow, change and expand — sometimes at rapid and unpredictable rates. Other times, as part of a growth plan. The majority of organizations will have a business strategy in place, ensuring their budget and resources can stretch to support an increase in business. But when it comes to creating personalized online experiences, there are a number of things you need to do to ensure your strategy is supported and able to grow with your business. Start by creating a robust marketing strategy, outlining goals that are in line with your wider business strategy. Your website personalization strategy should sit comfortably within this, supporting your objectives and helping you on your journey. But how can B2B marketers ensure their website personalization strategy is scalable for business growth?

Take the lessons from B2C

According to Evergage, 98% of marketers agree that personalization helps to advance customer relationships. Look at the success of consumer marketing personalization. When you land on an ecommerce site, instantly you are met with bespoke communications and personalized recommendations that meet your needs. B2B marketers are lightyears behind the consumer world when it comes to personalization. When implementing a successful website personalization strategy, it’s important to mimic the seamless, customer-centric approach that B2C marketers have created. Personalize every communication, touchpoint and digital element — from initial emails to calls to action, ensuring you guide your visitor through their entire user journey. Don’t use personalizations for the sake of it; ensure every bespoke experience adds value to your customer’s experience.

Data data data

According to InstaPage, when it comes to personalized marketing, the biggest challenges seen by marketers surround data acquisition. 39% stated their biggest challenge was having enough data, and 38% said it was inaccurate data. To execute impactful personalization at any stage — no matter if you’re starting out or your business is expanding — ensure your data source is accurate and reliable. Whether you buy data, have a team inhouse, or employ software — as your business grows, so will the demand for personalization. Make use of the data you have to create the most accurate personalizations you can; if individualized experiences aren’t yet achievable for you, start with a segmentation strategy, consider working towards ABM, and eventually total personalization.

Plan in advance and react

Implementing a website personalization strategy is imperative to creating successful individual online experiences. Scalable strategies are the most effective — consider designing a five year plan. This could include a focus on increasing your resources, budget, investing in technology and creating actionable plans to improve the data you have. To be at the forefront of marketing, your team needs to be one step ahead. Invest in data and technology that is always growing, learning and advancing its capabilities. Ensure your team is made up of self-learners, willing to research the latest trends in website personalization and do what they can to make it work.

If you are at the beginning of your website personalization journey, there are still a number of engaging opportunities to embark on. For example, consider personalizing your marketing based on time — plan seasonal campaigns, prompt customers to repurchase when the time is right or send personalized communications on birthdays and anniversaries. Planning in advance will ensure you get the most out of each campaign, staying ahead of your customers at all times. And remember, these tactics can be adapted and implemented in bigger, better and more accurate ways when your organization is ready to invest more in bespoke online experiences.

Empower your team

As your organization changes, so will the needs of your business and its people. If your team is making more sales, generating more leads, and serving more customers, their capacity will be stretched. Consider this in your growth plan — to achieve the best, you need to empower your team to be the best. Whether this is by investing in automation to speed up or eliminate processes, streamlining your teams to ensure you work like a well-oiled machine, or being willing to expand your resources, your team will benefit from this. Teams with limited capacity may become demotivated; and this could harm your previous personalization efforts. Especially in organizations adopting personalization with a customer-facing sales department. The need for seamless customer experience is only growing. Without the right tools or support in place, how can they be expected to provide the best?

Website personalization technology

Website personalization software helps businesses create unique online experiences based on the site visitor. This can improve the content relevance of your website and position you as a leader in your potential customer’s industry. For B2B organizations in particular, websites are often static and take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Website personalization makes these sites more engaging, personal and ensures they stand out to your ideal customer. Software future proofs your approach to personalization — streamlining touchpoints, improving UX and utilizing data to help businesses create unforgettable digital experiences. With personalized marketing and great user experience increasing in demand, it is in your best interest to invest in website personalization technology — to improve your existing approaches and ensure you keep up with ever changing personalization trends.

Webeo is a leading software providing real-time personalization for B2B websites. It works by tailoring your site content, images and language to create highly relevant and bespoke website experiences. Thanks to the global leading database of business IP addresses, you can greet visitors by organization name and overlay your existing website with content that resonates with them specifically. Impress everyone from first-time visitors to long-standing customers, enhance ABM strategies and supercharge your marketing tactics. Future proof your business with opportunities for infinite personalizations and an ever-growing, advances personalization technology. Discover the power of website personalization with Webeo. Book your free demonstration today!

Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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