Software Data Compliance - Webeo

Software Data Compliance Policy

The Webeo product is a B2B marketing enablement tool and is a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution. We specialise in tailor made website personalisation for businesses of all industries and sizes. Webeo allows businesses to personalise their website against a number of variables, enabling them to deliver a targeted, rich, specifically tailored experience for their business website visitors. Webeo personalises against key criteria including company name, industry, employee band, geography and turnover.

Webeo works on the basis of reverse business IP tracking. A small tracking code is placed on our clients’ website(s) which then enables them to identify the business IP addresses of their website visitors. Webeo matches the identified business IP address to a wholly owned global database of businesses and business information. It then delivers a pre-designed personalisation specific to the business if one has been created. Webeo customers also have the option to implement a cookie alongside the code to enhance the tracking capabilities of the software.

Any unmatched IP addresses are discarded, leaving only the matched business IP addresses. Webeo will only present a personalised version of the website if a business IP address matches an audience set up within Webeo. All other IP addresses will see the standard version of the website. Visits from unmatched IP addresses are counted but are not stored. The matched businesses, their associated IP addresses, their journey through the website and the personalisation version that they experienced are stored within Webeo to enable effective and robust reporting.

The Webeo software is entirely focused on leveraging business related information to effectively match a business IP address with wider business data to provide a richer, more relevant website experience for the visiting business on behalf of our clients. Webeo does not identify any personal IP addresses, mobile devices, sole traders or any other data than that associated with registered businesses, with static IP addresses.

Business related data is not applicable under GDPR – which has the intention of protecting personal data. Therefore, the majority of the Webeo solution and its features are not relevant to GDPR.

How we Process Data

How we ensure data validity and currency

Webeo has an in-house data verification team who are responsible for ensuring the validity and currency of the business data contained within the Webeo solution. The team continually cleanse the data held within the Webeo software, completing a full cleanse cycle of the business data at least once every 12 months. Any records found to be out of date are placed into a cleanse / deletion queue which is securely purged four times in a 12 month period.

The data verification team use both manual methods as well as automated scripts and algorithms via an extensive multi-staged process to ensure the utmost validity and currency of data. Webeo takes data cleansing extremely seriously as this ensures a highly compliant solution as well as a high calibre solution for all of the Webeo customers.

Data storage and retention

The data held within the Webeo solution is processed and stored within a secure environment.

Webeo has a continual cycle of cleansing and refreshing data, all data within the Webeo solution is verified at least once in a 12 month cycle. Any invalid records are placed into a deletion queue, which is then securely purged four times in a 12 month period.

Call recordings

In the interest of our emplyees, customers and prospective customers, all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes. Please see our Call Recording Policy for more information.

Contacting the data compliance team

You may contact our data compliance offiver or the data compliance team at any time via the below methods.

Data Protection Officer (DPO) details: Lindsay Evans: [email protected]

By email: [email protected]

In writing: Data Compliance, Webeo, Building 3000, Lakeside, North Harbour, Portsmouth, PO6 3EN

We will process and respond to your request within 30 days, this service will be free of charge.

This policy was last reviewed and updated on the 05th June 2020. Policies are periodically reviewed to ensure compliance with the current compliance environment.

For questions relating to this policy, please contact [email protected]