How website personalization can improve your website re-build


How personalization can improve your website re-build

Leila Wallingford

By, Leila Wallingford
Senior Marketing Executive at Webeo

With the ramp-up of ABM, more investment in Martech and the growing need to cut through the noise, it is imperative to keep your B2B website performing the best it can be. After all, it is your biggest digital marketing asset! But how can we do it? Simple – by providing the most relevant message to each visitor to improve their onsite engagement and increase your onsite conversions. However, we all know that a website re-build is a lengthy process that requires a wedge of additional budget. You might be thinking that exploring new tech during a rebuild is bad timing, but with personalization and onsite conversion tools becoming easier to adopt, it’s the perfect time to extend your research and start implementing tools that can make your new website work faster and smarter.

Let me explain why…

A/B testing

A/B testing is a research method used to test and compare two different campaigns. Two variations are randomized to hit different users, which is then used to analyze which variable is most successful.

A/B testing is used specifically within website personalization to test which personalized versions of your webpages are hitting the highest conversions. This means that throughout a website re-build, you can use A/B testing on your current website to test which variables are increasing your conversions. This can be used on text, colors, images, placement of items on the page, and CTA’s. You can then use this information when designing the new website, as you will know what works best for your audience and will give you the best conversion rates.

Building with your tech stack in mind

When planning your new website, you want to ensure that it is built with your entire tech stack in mind. Implementing website personalization before or throughout this process means that your website will be built with personalization in mind, so you’ll be able to see the full effect of website personalization on your conversion rates. It allows you to plan for changes in your website design based on what you want to personalize on your website and who you will be personalizing to.

For example, you can ensure that clear CTA’s are seen throughout your website that you can personalize based on where a visitor may be in their buyer journey. This would allow you to change your CTA’s to say book a demo when someone hasn’t booked yet, or speak to your sales rep, when they have had a demo and are in the decision process.

You can also use templates that are easy to chop and change throughout your whole website, to ensure you are always serving the best content to each visitor. Templates allow you to quickly add in things like industry specific client logos for social proofing.

Understanding who is visiting your website

Website personalization tools such as Webeo use a database which allows you to personalize to different visitors. You can use this tool to see who is visiting your website and which audiences are converting most from your website.

Understanding your website audience before you re-build, means that you can design key features of your website with that audience in mind. It also means that you can re-design your website so that you are able to convert more from different audiences too.

Increase onsite conversions now and for the future

As marketers our goal is to promote our brand and generate demand, and this shouldn’t stop if you are going through a re-build. A new website can take months to complete, and in that time, you won’t want to miss out on additional leads. Website conversion tools can improve the success of your current site, whilst you use the analytics to form decisions on the new site.

Personalizing your PPC campaigns

For many businesses, pay per click (PPC) can take up a large chunk of budget and often requires expert resource. With a website personalization tool, you’re highest value website visitors are being rolled out the red carpet, receiving the personalized experience that they want. Website personalization allows you to personalize the landing pages linked to your PPC campaigns without spending time creating 10 separate pages, to ensure you are getting the most out of your campaigns. This ensures that each visitor that lands on these are sure that you are the correct solution and has relevant messaging for them and their needs. These landing pages can be personalized on location, industry, business size, personas and more. Meaning that even when your website is going through a build your PPC campaigns are being used to their full extent by creating high conversions, and your budget isn’t going down the drain.

Ultimately, why should you put your biggest marketing asset on ICE whilst designing a new one? Implementing website personalization throughout this process continues to ensure that you will be getting the best conversion rates from your existing site, whilst learning what should be applied on the new one.

Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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