5 steps to a successful B2B website personalization strategy - Webeo


5 steps to a successful B2B website personalization strategy

Leila Wallingford

By, Leila Wallingford
Senior Marketing Executive at Webeo

When it comes to creating a successful website personalization campaign, many B2B organizations don’t know where to start to make the biggest impact for their target audience. Here’s 5 simple steps that you can follow using a B2B website personalization solution like Webeo to ensure your campaign will be a success and make your onsite conversion soar.

1. Building your audience

Start by establishing the key verticals you’d like to target, and building out your audience. For example, you may want to target businesses in manufacturing with up to 500 employees, you can add these characteristics by using the Rule Builder. Then select which pages to add to your campaign. Webeo shows you which pages are the most popular for each of your target verticals, using this data you can decide which pages will have the biggest impact on conversion for each audience.

TIP: We recommend using a minimum of 4 pages per campaign to ensure the customer journey is as relevant as possible across multiple pages.

Webeo's audience builder

Webeo’s audience builder

2. Personalizing headings

The best place to start with any B2B website personalization campaign is with the headlines and subheadings. Making subtle changes that reference the characteristics of the visitor, shows that you understand who is on your site and the challenges they face. For subheadings, go into further detail linking your product with your prospects challenge.

TIP: Conducting research to understand each audiences pain points can help with ensuring the copy across your site resonates with the visitor.

Personalizing headline copy

Personalizing headline copy

3. Personalizing CTA’s

B2B website personalization is a great way to guide visitors to the next stage in their buying journey. Meaning you’re able to bring forward unseen content. Or if they have been on your site multiple times you can bring forward a contact form page. Making small changes to tell your visitors that they will be speaking to experts can make a huge difference.

Personalizing CTA's

Personalizing CTA’s

4. Personalizing social proof

Updating social proof like client logos is a great way to show your target audience that you work with other businesses like them and they are seeing success from your business. Start with moving the social proof above the fold. Then you can swap out the logos for ones that the visitor will recognize. Replacing social proof is a great way to enhance your industry, business size, and location based personalizations

TIP: Try bringing client success stories hidden in your website to the top of your most visited pages for an even bigger impact

Personalizing social proof

Personalizing social proof

5. Personalizing imagery

Personalizing imagery across each page of your campaign is a great way to resonate with the visitor. By showing you know who they are and you understand what their challenges are, they will know they’re in the right place.

Personalizing imagery

Personalizing imagery

B2B website personalization is a proven way to tackle the low conversion rates (on average 2%!) we see in B2B. It’s super easy to get started and can have a huge impact on your conversion rates. Get in touch today to start your own website personalization journey!


Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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